
Wheel of Consumer Analysis

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What is a Wheel of Consumer Analysis?

Wheel of Consumer Analysis

Wheel of Consumer Analysis is a framework by J. Paul Peter and Jerry C. Olson to help marketers understand consumer behavior in order to design their marketing strategy. The model structures the phenomena in and around consumer behavior into 3 categories or elements:

  • Consumer Affect and Cognition. Consumer affect involves a consumer's feelings about stimuli and events. Consumer Cognition involves the mental structures and processes involved in thinking, understanding, and interpreting stimuli and events).
  • Consumer Behavior: The physical actions of consumers that can be directly observed and measured by others. By influencing this behavior, marketers can increase sales of their products and services.
  • Consumer Environment: Everything external to consumers that influences what they think, feel, and do). It is the place or medium where stimuli to influence consumers are to be placed.

In the center of the model is the Marketing Strategy: a set of stimuli placed in consumers' environment designed to influence their affect, cognition, and behavior.

Characteristics of the Wheel of Consumer Analysis.

  • Reciprocal System: Any of the elements can be either a cause or an effect of a change at any particular time. Therefore marketing strategies should be designed not only to influence consumers but also to be influenced by them.
  • Dynamic System: All its elements (normally) change continuously.
  • Multi-level System: The Wheel of Consumer Analysis can help to analyze consumer behavior at any level:
    • Individual consumer
    • Market segment
    • Industry or sector
    • Society as a whole

Special Interest Group

Consumer Analysis Special Interest Group.

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Special Interest Group (236 members)


Forum about Consumer Analysis.

topic Disposal Behavior of Consumer in Service Marketing
I have a question about disposal behavior in consumer behavior. A bundle definition of consumer behavior always includes consumer's disposal behavior, both in goods or services usage. For example, Ko...
🔥 Stop Investing in Retail Experience and Move Resources to Further Online Experiences After Covid 19?
Should retailers stop or diminish investing in retail experience and move their resources to further online experiences in the "new normal" after Covid 19? Which product category would this be most a...
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Courses about Consumer Analysis.


Beginners Course


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Best Practices

The best, top-rated topics about Consumer Analysis. Here you will find the most valuable ideas and practical suggestions.

Expert Tips

Advanced insights about Consumer Analysis. Here you will find professional advices by experts.


Consultancy Tips


Teaching Tips


Practical Implementation Tips


Self-gifting Buying Behavior

Consumer Marketing, Self-Gifting, Consumption Behavior, Consumer Behavior
Clarke and Mortimer (2013) assess the motivations of self-gifting behavior and its following post-purchase regret. Self-...
Information Sources

Various sources of information regarding Consumer Analysis. Here you will find powerpoints, videos, news, etc. to use in your own lectures and workshops.


Brief Introduction Into the Wheel of Consumer Analysis

Wheel of Consumer Analysis, Marketing Strategy, Consumer Behavior
This presentation provides an introduction into the Wheel of Consumer Analysis, and includes the following sections: 1....

Consumer Buyer Behavior & Business Buyer Behavior

Marketing, Strategy Decision
Presentation about both consumer buying behavior business buying behavior. First consumer buying behavior is explained a...

Affective Versus Cognitive Consumption Behavior

Consumption Behavior, Consumer Behavior
This presentation provides information about consumption behavior and includes the following sections: 1. What is Marke...


Useful tools regarding Consumer Analysis.













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