
Gamification in Business and Management

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Munadil Shafat
Munadil Shafat
Student (MBA), Bangladesh

Gamification in Business and Management

🔥 Have you ever wondered why some games such as Fortnite, PUBG, Clash of Clans are so much engaging (and also addictive) that it just needs a person to start the game and forget everything else?
This is certainly a great question, but a more relevant question for us as managers: what if one could do the same in another setting, like a business setting; could that be equally engaging?
This subject is called 'Gamification'. Gamification is the application of game elements and game design concepts in non-game contexts. Such as a business context or a management context.

What Makes Gamification? Elements
The definition has three important components which distinguishes the subject:
  1. GAME ELEMENTS: Just study any popular "Triple-A" game, and we see a host of things like points, quests, level, badges, leaderboard etc. These are the elements of the game and is also a part of Gamification.
  2. GAME DESIGN TECHNIQUES: Elements are part of a game, but the game is more than the sum these elements. There is game design concepts that underpin every game to give an immersive experience to the gamers. Gamification requires to put oneself in the shoes of a game designer and creatively use the concepts to solve something which is not a game.
  3. NON-GAME CONTEXT: Finally, by Gamification we are not going to design real games like Fortnite. We need a purpose in real life where we will use game elements and design concepts. These non-game context can be our business or any social or personal context or any problem that can be solved applying game elements when seen through the lenses of a game designer.
I am looking for ideas and good examples of Gamification in a business and/or management context. Give a reaction if you know of anything interesting.
Source: Course by University of Pennsylvania on Gamification


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  Munadil Shafat
Munadil Shafat
Student (MBA), Bangladesh

Gamification Examples

US ARMY: A recruitment tool is made by US Army by the name of America's Army. It is a website where interested job candidates can register and download a multiplayer strategic shooter game. This game incorporates game design concepts like badges of honor to mimic real life US Army Environment. Interested candidate can show their dedication and fit for US Army through engaging in this game. This strategy serves two purposes – attract interested candidates and spread publicity.

FREE RICE: Want to learn English vocab and also donate rice as long as you learn? Play Free Rice. Designed by 2020 Nobel Peace Laureate UN's World Food Program (WFP), this app and website donates one grain of rice for every correct answer.

NTT DATA SAMURAI: NTT Data Samurai is a leadership development game designed by NTT Data. This game asks a series of questions to employees to assess their leadership skills and then it recommends customized training in the form of quests. This way NTT Data can have important analytics about the employees like their strengths and weaknesses.

PIANO STAIRCASE: This is an application of gamification in industrial design. The designer has completely transformed a typical manual staircase into a giant piano keyboard, where applying pressure on each step would play a musical note. This was done to increase the use of manual stairs over an escalator located beside. A day long video recorded experiment showed 66% more people to use the stairs instead of the escalator.


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