
Marketing & Verkauf

Marketing & Verkauf. Methoden, Modelle und Theorien (A-Z)



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Marketing & Verkauf

12 Prinzipien des Netzwerkökonomie Kelly

3 C Modell Ohmae

3-dimensionale Geschäftsdefinition Abell

4 S Web Marketing-Mix Constantinides

5-Kräfte-Modell Porter

7 P Marketing-Mix Booms Bitner

ADL-Matrix Arthur D. Little


Analytisches CRM

ARIMA-Modell Box and Jenkins

Attributionstheorie Heider

Bass Diffusion-Modell Bass


Bedürfnispyramide Maslow


Beziehungsmarketing Levitt

Blaue Ozeane-Strategie Kim

Bottom of the Pyramid-Ansatz Prahalad

BPR-Methode Hammer Champy

Bricks und Clicks

Business Intelligence-Ansatz

Business Process Reengineering-Ansatz Hammer Champy

Clicks und Mortar

Co-Creation-Ansatz Prahalad Ramaswamy

Co-opetition Brandenburger



Dreidimensionale Geschäftsdefinition Abell

Dynamische Regression

Einrahmen Tversky

Engpasstheorie Goldratt

Erweiterter Marketing-Mix 7P's

Explorative Faktorenanalyse

Exponentielle Glättung

Fünf-Kräfte-Modell Porter



Gewinntümpel Gadiesh, Gilbert

Gruppendenken Janis


Industrieveränderung McGahan

Innovationen Adoptionstheorie Rogers

Kernkompetenz Hamel Prahalad


Kulturdimensionen Hofstede


Kundenzufriedenheits-Modell Kano

Markenidentität Prisma Kapferer

Markenkapital Wertgeber

Markenpersönlichkeit Aaker

Fügen Sie eine Methode/Modell hinzu

Marketing-Mix 4P's 5P's McCarthy




Operatives CRM

PARTS Brandenburger


Positionierung Trout

Produktlebenszyklus Levitt

Produkt-Markt-Matrix Ansoff

Prozesskostenrechnung PKR ABC

Qualitätsfunktionendarstellung Akao


Regel von Drei Sheth

Relativer Wert des Wachstums Mass

SERVQUAL-Ansatz Zeithaml

Simulation von Geschäftsprozesse

Stage-Gate-Modell Cooper

Stakeholder Value Perspektive


Strategisches Dreieck Ohmae

STRATPORT-Modell Larreche



TDC-Matrix Internet


Theorie des geplanten Verhaltens Ajzen Fishbein

Trajektorien der Industrieveränderung McGahan


Unternehmensreputations-Quotient Harris-Fornbrun

Unterscheidende Fähigkeiten Kay

Wertdisziplinen Treacy Wiersema

Wert-Gewinnkette Heskett

Wertkette Porter

Wertnetz Brandenburger

Wertorientierte Unternehmensführung


Wettbewerbsvorteil Porter

Zerstörende Innovation Christensen

Zwölf Prinzipien des Netzwerkökonomie Kelly

Mehr im Wörterbuch



Marketing und Verkauf Interessengemeinschaft.

Interessengemeinschaft (560 Mitglieder)


Forumsdiskussionen über Marketing und Verkauf.

🔥 Was ist Marketing? (Kotler)
Es war Philip Kotler, der sagte: „Echtes Marketing ist nicht die Kunst des Verkaufens, was Sie herstellen, sondern zu wissen, was Sie herstellen sollten. Es ist die Kunst des Identifizierens und Verst...
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Thema Marketingimplementierung Methode - Modell um eine Marketingstrategie einzuführen
Eine Marketingstrategie ist die eine Sache, die erfolgreiche Implementierung eine andere! Wer kennt einen guten generischen Ansatz zur Marketingimplementierung, oder wer hat eine Methode oder ein Mode...
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Thema The Future of Marketing
What is the future of marketing? A Dutch marketing magazine (Tijdschrift voor Marketing, October 2007) reported that the position of the marketing function in corporations is poor: - Finance, HRM, an...
Kommentare11 Kommentare
Thema Why is Marketing Hard? 50 Reasons
Why is marketing for many firms such a challenge? Here are a few reasons I found: 1. Continuous change of marketing: marketing asks from businesses to change their products all the time, because cust...
Kommentare41 Kommentare
Thema What is Marketing? (Kotler)
It was Philip Kotler who said: "Authentic marketing is not the art of selling what you make but knowing what to make. It is the art of identifying and understanding customer needs and creating solutio...
Kommentare20 Kommentare
Thema Are Monopoly Industries Unaffected by Marketing?
Businesses in a monopoly market pay less attention to the contribution marketing can make to create and meet the needs of the market. Because the product is in a monopoly market, it's harder to just...
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Thema Common Marketing Strategy Mistakes?
Hi, I am looking for the problems experienced by marketing managers in setting up and implementing marketing strategies. What are the most common mistakes in setting up a marketing strategy?...
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Thema Effect of Culture on Marketing Plan
How do culture, subculture and core values effect the marketing plan?...
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Thema Strategic vs Operational Marketing
What are the differences between operational and strategic marketing and some examples of these differences? I can't find the answer anywhere....
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Thema What is Green Marketing? Definitions
What is green marketing? I need any researches regarding the green marketing subject....
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Thema Do Big Companies Depend Too Much on Marketing, Finance, Lobbying and Tax Rules?
In his book Antifragile, Taleb stated that the core of business is offering an honest and decent product or service that gives your customers value for money. If this is not the case, then it's likel...
Kommentare30 Kommentare
Thema Marketing Ethics
Many companies have completely forgotten the fact that marketing involves telling potential clients the TRUTH about a product. This is part of of marketing ethics. I have seen brewery companies encou...
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Thema Tips for Preparing a Business Plan
Can anyone please inform the main steps to be considered in preparing a business plan? Please reply and mention tips to prepare a business plan. Thanks......
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Thema Authentic and Transparent Marketing
Definition Authentic and transparent marketing and advertising involves being honest, genuine, and open about a company's products, services, policies, and values. By using authentic and transparent ...
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Thema Radical Marketing Approach
In their book "Radical Marketing: From Harvard to Harley, Lessons From Ten That Broke the Rules and Made It Big", Glenn Rifkin and Sam Hill lay out a set of marketing innovation guidelines that can he...
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Thema The Role and Value of the Marketing Function
No doubt, marketing capabilities are strong drivers of firm performance. But HOW can marketing as a function contribute to company growth and success? And what FORMS OF VALUE does it actually generate...
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Thema Signs of Marketing Weaknesses
In his book "Ten Deadly Marketing Sins: Signs and Solutions", Philip Kotler mentions ten deadly sins that identify weaknesses in the marketing function of a company: 1. The company is not sufficientl...
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Thema Marketing Communications
Dear all! Do you have some comments on marketing communications as it is called the nerve of marketing, because it is getting directly in touch with your target group!...
Kommentare9 Kommentare
Thema Is Marketing Management an Art or a Science?
Marketing management represents creativity rooted and augmented by data for strategic decision-making and so must it remain. This article presents contending arguments as to the nature of marketing m...
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Thema What is More Important? Sales Volume or After Sales Service?
I think after sales service is more important in marketing than initial sales volume. So then why are marketing people always given the pressure of reaching sales targets?...
Kommentare10 Kommentare
Thema What is Social Media Marketing?
Hey guys I need your opinion about social media marketing, what do you think what is it, is it a new strategy of marketing or is it just a new concept and related to web technology. ...
Kommentare8 Kommentare
Thema Marketing Tactics Must be Dynamic
Our marketing strategy is never completed! As per my observation I can state this with confidence that every time we target any customer segment or we try to understand any market, we have to come up...
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Thema What is Lean Marketing? Definitions
What is lean marketing? Can you give some explanation / information? Thanks......
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Thema Holistic Marketing
In today's times, firms that carry out marketing strategies in a standalone fashion, i.e. without understanding and accounting for the ripple effects of these strategies on other stakeholders and func...
Thema What is Neuromarketing? Definitions
I want to know what exactly is neuromarketing or neural marketing? And is it different from any other way of marketing?...
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Thema From a Sales-driven Into a Marketing-driven Company
Benefit of being a market driven company rather than one driven by sales.Far too many companies maintain an antiquated mentality and are still driven by sales, instead of changing their focus to one t...
Thema Hard and Soft Marketing Styles 😜
These are the various styles of a marketer: Hard style: Marketer tells he is going to take your money and takes it. Soft style: Marketer does not tell he is going to take your money, but at th...
Thema Impact of Internet on Marketing
How has internet affected the marketing practices of big companies? Which industry or sector is affected the most? Why?...
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Thema Emergence and Acceleration of the Marketing Profession
According to you, what year or period of time might be considered as a crucial catalysis or acceleration for marketing as a profession, and why?...
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Best Practices

Die am besten bewerteten Themen über Marketing und Verkauf. Hier finden Sie die wertvollsten Ideen und praktischen Vorschläge.

🥇 Implementation of Marketing Strategy
A marketing strategy is one thing, successfully implementing it is another! Who knows a good generic marketing implementation theory, or has a method or model to implement a marketing strategy? Thanks...
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🥈 Marketing Plan - Key Elements?
What are the key elements of a marketing plan? Based on real example - welcome ;-) thnx 4 help!...
Kommentare6 Kommentare

🥉 Strategic Marketing versus Marketing Strategy?
What is the difference between strategic marketing and marketing strategy?...
Kommentare15 Kommentare

Thema Marketing a Company in Decline
How can one market a company in decline though it still produces good quality. I need assistance as to how to communicate to lost customers as I am slightly technically disadvantaged at the production...
Kommentare13 Kommentare

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